Mrs. Morris' (Ms. Mileur) Blog

Every day is an adventure!

April 8 – April 12


Monday:    STAAR Coach Lessons 7 – 9

Tuesday:    STAAR Review Lessons 10 – 12

Wednesday:    STAAR Review Lessons 13 – 15, Test 1

Thursday:    STAAR Review Lessons 16 – 18

Friday:    STAAR Review Lessons 19 – 21, Test 2

March 25 – March 29


Monday:    MineCraft Presentations

Tuesday:    MineCraft Presentations

Wednesday:    MineCraft Presentations

Thursday:    Converting Metric Units

Friday:    Review 3-D Figures

March 4 – March 8


Monday:    Minecraft, Volume Mini Lesson

Tuesday:    Practice STAAR (Math)

Wednesday:    Practice STAAR (Reading)

Thursday:    Minecraft

Friday:    Minecraft, Volume Quiz

Feb. 25 – March 1


This is the project we are working on for the next two weeks.  Remember: We have a half day on Wednesday, and we will take a QUIZ  that day as well!

Can we re-craft a city in our mines?

Driving question – how can we apply math in creating a city in minecraft that can be shared with other school districts?

TEKS: 6.1C, 6.4H, 6.8B, 6.8C, 6.11


designated server for the game

Netbooks for each student

student blogs for journaling

create a presentation of how you learned perimeter, area, measurement, volume, probability in your city


business men in community, Area school, staff and fellow students

Project minimum requirements

NEED To know board – constantly changing as you have questions.

6 structures(houses, churches, stores…etc)

1 barn w/pen for animals

-must show perimeter, area, measurement for each structures.

(measurement each cube = 1 ft and also 10 cm)

a water or sand pit with the volume calculated

Journal daily on blogs what you did that day on project. More detail the better!!

There will be assessment every couple of days to check for understanding of the concepts as well as possible mini lessons for understanding.

Presentation will be done over what you did – each person must have a part in the presentation


Feb. 18 – Feb. 22


This is the project we are working on for the next three weeks.  Remember, WE DON’T HAVE SCHOOL MONDAY!!!!!

Can we re-craft a city in our mines?

Driving question – how can we apply math in creating a city in minecraft that can be shared with other school districts?

TEKS: 6.1C, 6.4H, 6.8B, 6.8C, 6.11


designated server for the game

Netbooks for each student

student blogs for journaling

create a presentation of how you learned perimeter, area, measurement, volume, probability in your city


business men in community, Area school, staff and fellow students

Project minimum requirements

NEED To know board – constantly changing as you have questions.

6 structures(houses, churches, stores…etc)

1 barn w/pen for animals

-must show perimeter, area, measurement for each structures.

(measurement each cube = 1 ft and also 10 cm)

a water or sand pit with the volume calculated

Journal daily on blogs what you did that day on project. More detail the better!!

There will be assessment every couple of days to check for understanding of the concepts as well as possible mini lessons for understanding.

Presentation will be done over what you did – each person must have a part in the presentation

Dec. 17 – Dec. 21


Monday:   Semester Review

Tuesday:   Semester Review

Wednesday:   FINALS FOR – 1st, 3rd, 5th;   Abbreviated Review for 2nd and 4th Period

Thursday:   FINALS FOR – 2nd and 6th Period, Early Release at 11:35

Friday:   FINALS FOR – 4th and 8th Period


I hope each of you have a Merry Christmas!!!!!  Come back to see me on January 7th!


Dec. 10 – Dec. 14


Monday:   Review over Fraction/Decimal/Percent (pg. 27, 50, this worksheet will be averaged with the test grade from Friday)

Tuesday:   Compare and Order Fractions, Decimals, and Percents (work sheet)

Wednesday:   Cumulative Review (packet)

Thursday:   Cumulative Test

Friday:   Cumulative Test contin., Begin Semester Review

November 12 – November 16


Monday:   Formulating Expressions from a Table (wkst packet)

Tuesday:   6 Weeks Review (signed for bonus points!), Test Corrections

Wednesday:   6 Weeks Test

Thursday:   Checkbook Lesson (B-35)

Friday:   Checkbook Project (Due Nov. 26, after Thanksgiving Break)

I will be gone this Friday, Monday and Tuesday of next week for my wedding and honeymoon!!!  Those dates are November 16, 19, and 20.


Oct 8 – 12


Monday:   Expectations, Comparing Fractions (wkst)

Tuesday:   Ordering Fractions (wkst)

Wednesday:   Fraction Models (grid worksheet)

Thursday:   Adding and Subtracting Fractions (6-3)

Friday:  Addition of Mixed Numbers (wkst)

Notice that we have homework every day this week!!!

October 1 – 5


WARNING:   We have another test on Friday!!!!  Check out what you can do for bonus points!

Monday:   Modeling and Simplifying Fractions (HW: 5-4, Lion wksts)

Tuesday:   Equivalent Fractions (HW: Fraction Action 27)

Wednesday:   Converting from Improper Fractions to Mixed #’s (HW: 5-6 AB wkst)

Thursday:   QUIZ: Equivalent Fraction, Chapter 5 Test Review (return with parent signature on Friday for 5 bonus points on the test!!!!)

Friday:   CHAPTER 5 TEST!!!

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